Looking up

Once again a month seems to have sped by since my last blog post when, if I remember correctly, I wrote about film.

Due to the fantastic spring weather we’ve been enjoying I decided not to load another film because I only have HP5 in stock, and I think it’s just a bit fast for sunny weather shots.

Although at the time of writing the winter has returned, I’m sure it won’t last long and we can soon look forward to some long sunny days, so perhaps I should get some slower film… just in case. But assuming that weather wise things will soon be looking up, I thought I’d post this ‘Looking Up’ trilogy taken in the garden at the beginning of April. – What would I do without a moveable monitor!

Daisies – Pentax K-70; Developed with GIMP
Cuckoo Flowers – Pentax K-70; Developed with GIMP
Dandelions – Pentax K-70; Developed with GIMP

I’m back

Those who occasionally take a peek at Vic’s Blog may well have noticed that I’ve been off the air for a couple of weeks. Keen readers may even notice that all the old postings have vanished.    Well, the reasons are thus:

About two weeks ago, very regular readers (if there are indeed those who can be classed as such), will have probably been more than a little surprised to have accessed Vic’s Blog, full of excitement and anticipation, only to be greeted with an advert. Not my style at all. Nothing against advertisements generally, but certainly not on my Blog!!

Let me say at this point that I had absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with that advert in any way!

Well, to cut a long story short, I tried hard to remove the unwanted advertisement to no avail so I decided to reinstall the whole blog. No big deal really… simply a matter of a few minutes. However, although the postings were all OK, the associated photos were, for reasons known well to myself, sort of missing. Not actually missing, but in the wrong place, meaning that a few minutes could turn into a few hours.

After much fiddling, I could have re-linked all the photos by hand, but decided it was a bit of a waste of my time,  and so, I’ll greet the New Year with a nice clean blog.