A Black and White experiment

I’ve spent a lot of time during the last few days reading several very interesting blog articles concerning the ancient art of using film. Although still waiting for my recently exposed film to be developed, I couldn’t resist trying to recreate that “film feeling” using a digital camera. So, this afternoon I took my little Panasonic for a short walk, set it to B&W f2.8, ISO 200, pointed and shot.

To achieve the element of surprise I didn’t look at the display whilst taking the pictures (the camera doesn’t have a viewfinder) neither did I check what I’d taken after pressing the shutter – silly really, but when I first looked at what I had taken when I got back home it really was a sort of film feeling.

Particularly surprising was that the pictures seem to be nice and horizontally straight, something I rarely achieved when looking at the display!

Taken with Panasonic DMC-LX2; Developed with GIMP
Taken with Panasonic DMC-LX2; Developed with GIMP
Taken with Panasonic DMC-LX2; Developed with GIMP

Ready for Take Off

Apparently Storks always congregate at this time of the year before flying off to Africa for the winter months, but it’s the first time I’ve seen them in our village. This muster of storks was found grazing on a freshly harvested potato field on the edge of the village.
The pictures were taken between about 7.00 and 7.30pm and the available light was failing rapidly. Using my new Pentax K-70, I was pleasantly surprised with the HD DA 55-300mm F4.5-6.3 ED PLM WR hand held performance.

Ready for Take Off 1 ā€“ Pentax K-70; Developed with GIMP
Ready for Take Off 1 ā€“ Pentax K-70; Developed with GIMP
Ready for Take Off 2 ā€“ Pentax K-70; Developed with GIMP
Ready for Take Off 2 ā€“ Pentax K-70; Developed with GIMP
Ready for Take Off 3 ā€“ Pentax K-70; Developed with GIMP
Ready for Take Off 3 ā€“ Pentax K-70; Developed with GIMP
Ready for Take Off 4 ā€“ Pentax K-70; Developed with GIMP
Ready for Take Off 4 ā€“ Pentax K-70; Developed with GIMP

Storks – Ready for Take Off

Although it’s the first time I have seen them in our village, white storks congregate every year about this time before flying off to warmer climes. A few days ago I was delighted to witness eighteen of them plodding across a freshly harvested potato field on the edge of the village. The pictures were taken between about 7.00 and 7.30 pm and the light was failing fast. Using my new Pentax K-70 with the HD DA 55-300mm F4.5-6.3 ED PLM WRI was positively su

Ready for Take Off 1 ā€“ Pentax K-70; Developed with GIMP
Ready for Take Off 1 ā€“ Pentax K-70; Developed with GIMP
Ready for Take Off 2 ā€“ Pentax K-70; Developed with GIMP
Ready for Take Off 2 ā€“ Pentax K-70; Developed with GIMP
Ready for Take Off 3 ā€“ Pentax K-70; Developed with GIMP
Ready for Take Off 3 ā€“ Pentax K-70; Developed with GIMP
Ready for Take Off 4 ā€“ Pentax K-70; Developed with GIMP
Ready for Take Off 4 ā€“ Pentax K-70; Developed with GIMP

The K-70 has arrived

Yesterday a loud ring on the doorbell heralded the arrival of the eagerly awaited, brand new Pentax K-70 and 55 – 300mm zoom. I will of course be writing more about both during the days to come, but today I thought I’d just post a couple of images taken during my daily gentle stroll around the village. I hope to take them for a walk around town soon, to capture some other colours than green šŸ˜‰

In the shade ā€“ Pentax K-70; Developed with GIMP
In the shade ā€“ Pentax K-70; Developed with GIMP
Above the village ā€“ Pentax K-70; Developed with GIMP
Above the village ā€“ Pentax K-70; Developed with GIMP

Evening Light

As I mentioned a couple of days ago, I really like the light at this time of the year. I took this on today’s evening stroll.

Evening Light ā€“ Pentax K-30; Developed with GIMP
Evening Light ā€“ Pentax K-30; Developed with GIMP


Being dormant for the last three and a half months or so, I thought it high time to post a little something. During my blog-absence summer has been and almost gone, I’ve ordered a new camera (more about that when I actually have it) and the first signs of Autumn are already making themselves apparent.

I’m sure I’ve mentioned it many times before, but Autumn always has a very special atmosphere. The light takes on an autumnal feel as indeed does the subject matter – golden leaves everywhere – and of course many excellent reasons to be out and about with the camera!

Vinyard-1 ā€“ Pentax K-30; (HDR) Developed with GIMP
Vinyard-1 ā€“ Pentax K-30; (HDR) Developed with GIMP
Grapes ā€“ Pentax K-30; Developed with GIMP
Grapes ā€“ Pentax K-30; Developed with GIMP
Vinyard-2 ā€“ Pentax K-30; Developed with GIMP
Vinyard-2 ā€“ Pentax K-30; Developed with GIMP

April weather

The weather forecasters got it almost right, rain all day they said. But it did stay nice and dry whilst I went for a Sunday stroll this morning. If it had been raining hard I would have probably driven in to town and captured lots of headlights reflecting on wet tarmac. But the rain held off, so I visited a local castle.
I think the point here is…. be adaptable, don’t stay at home because of a bit of rain, no matter what the weather’s doing, take the camera out for a walk and make the best of it!

Castle Wall ā€“ Pentax K-30; Developed with GIMP
Castle Wall ā€“ Pentax K-30; Developed with GIMP
The Castle ā€“ Pentax K-30; Developed with GIMP
The Castle ā€“ Pentax K-30; Developed with GIMP
Rapeseed in Flower ā€“ Pentax K-30; Developed with GIMP
Rapeseed in Flower ā€“ Pentax K-30; Developed with GIMP
Landscape ā€“ Pentax K-30; Developed with GIMP
Landscape ā€“ Pentax K-30; Developed with GIMP

Black & White landscapes?

I have been neglecting Vic’s Blog recently, but I have had rather a lot on.
The 365Project (one picture per day) has been taking up just a bit more time than I thought. But despite that, I have had several moments to ponder, and of course browse through my favourite “Black+White Photography” magazine.
I was always under the impression that a landscape should be colourful. Bold blue skies, green fields, colourful flowers etc, etc. But having studied several examples of B&W landscapes recently, and indeed having tried to create my own B&W landscape photographs, I have found a whole new challenge awaits. During the next few months I might try to develop my B&W skills – but then again I’ll more than likely find that I have no time for such luxuries. Who cares, it’s the enjoyment of clicking the shutter that counts šŸ™‚

Landscape ā€“ Pentax K-30; Developed with GIMP
Landscape ā€“ Pentax K-30; Developed with GIMP
Logs ā€“ Pentax K-30; Developed with GIMP
Logs ā€“ Pentax K-30; Developed with GIMP
Fence ā€“ Pentax K-30; Developed with GIMP
Fence ā€“ Pentax K-30; Developed with GIMP

New colours

I usually associate Autumn with gold and brown and all the shades in between, but this year a new colour has caught my attention. In previous years I’ve never really noticed the field of violet coloured, weed looking plants. I’m not sure what the plant is, but assume it’sĀ  a green manure or cover crop. I’ve been wanting to capture an image or two of such a field for quite some time now, but as fate would have it the only opportunity I had was on a rather overcast day with my mobile phone.Ā  Still under way with the mobile phone I snapped a couple of traditional autumn scenes when the sun was shining.

Colours -ā€“ Sony Xperia Z3 compact smartphone. Developed with Gimp
Colours -ā€“ Sony Xperia Z3 compact smartphone. Developed with Gimp
Fence -ā€“ Sony Xperia Z3 compact smartphone. Developed with Gimp
Fence -ā€“ Sony Xperia Z3 compact smartphone. Developed with Gimp
Trees -ā€“ Sony Xperia Z3 compact smartphone. Developed with Gimp
Trees -ā€“ Sony Xperia Z3 compact smartphone. Developed with Gimp

Enjoying the rain

Peering out of this window this afternoon I was pleased to see that it was still raining. Time to take the K30 for a walk. There’s nothing quite like an autumn stroll in the rain, enjoying the autumnal sounds of wet wellies plodding through damp leaves. However, I feel these images haven’t really captured the atmosphere of just how wet everything really was, so I think I will have to take the camera to town at dusk sometime in the near future to capture lights reflecting on roads… hopefully it will rain again soon!

Wet leaves ā€“ Pentax K-30; Developed with GIMPs
Wet leaves ā€“ Pentax K-30; Developed with GIMPs
Wet picnic tables ā€“ Pentax K-30; Developed with GIMP
Wet picnic tables ā€“ Pentax K-30; Developed with GIMP
Mais ā€“ Pentax K-30; Developed with GIMP
Mais ā€“ Pentax K-30; Developed with GIMP
Harvested Mais ā€“ Pentax K-30; Developed with GIMP
Harvested Mais ā€“ Pentax K-30; Developed with GIMP
Wet road ā€“ Pentax K-30; Developed with GIMP
Wet road ā€“ Pentax K-30; Developed with GIMP
Trailers ā€“ Pentax K-30; Developed with GIMP
Trailers ā€“ Pentax K-30; Developed with GIMP