This post’s title may sound a bit like an English pub name, but it isn’t… let me explain: Running up and down those cellar stairs all weekend, past the coat pegs, in search of coffee and nourishment, I couldn’t help but notice the somewhat sad state of my favourite outdoor wear. Close inspection reveals one delapidated sleeve of my well worn, traditional wax jacket hanging shamefully among the more respectable garments.
What am I saying? The more ‘respectable’ garments may be whole, but they lack character, they are not at all interesting, I can’t identify with them.
My old wax jacket (which to be honest isn’t all that old) has many holes, it has tears too, and even leaks! but it’s still a great jacket!
There’s no doubt, despite the flood of super waterproof, breathable, high end technology materials that keep you warm and dry, I’m going to have to buy another traditional wax jacket one day! A glutton for punishment perhaps?
The two photos were taken last weekend in an inspirational moment caused, I’m sure, by the hive of activity in the 365Project.